Labour Group Amendment


Household Support Fund

That the deletions are made as shown in strikethrough below, and that additions are made as shown in bold italics below.



2.1 That the committee approves the allocation of £2.14m funding as follows:outlined in the table at 3.8.

£ 675,000 Free School Meals October H/T, Winter Holiday, February H/T - £20 vouchers

£ 360,000Free School Meals Easter - £20 vouchers

£  40,00Children’s Centre - £20 vouchers

£  50,000  Schools

£  60,000  Holiday Activities and Food (HAF)

£  10,000  HAF admin and staffing

£  50,000  Community Centres

£ 125,000  Other organisations supporting groups with protected characteristics or vulnerability

£  70,000  Community Hub

£  90,000  Winter Grant Fund

£  90,000  Warmth for Wellbeing

£  70,000  Brighton & Hove Food Partnership

£ 150,000  Council Tax Discretionary Payments etc

£  15,000  Emergency Placement Service Charge

£ 274,000  Local Discretionary Social Fund (LDSF)

£  11,000  Admin support for LDSF


2.2 That, for the reasons outlined at para 3.23, the committee delegates necessary adjustments to the approved allocations to the Chief Finance Officer following consultation with the Chair of Policy & Resources Committee and Opposition Spokespersons, provided any adjustment is complaint with the council’s rules for virement as defined under Financial Regulations.


2.3 That the committee notes the Urgency Decision taken under officer delegations by the Chief Finance Officer and approved by the Chair of Policy & Resources Committee on 22 October 20221 regarding the allocation of funding from the Household Support Fund to provide vouchers for free school meals over the October Half-Term holiday period (see Appendix 4).


2.4 That the committee approves the proposed re-allocation of duplicate Contain Outbreak Management Funding (COMF) of £0.190m to homeless prevention by re-allocating funding to top up the Discretionary Housing Payments budget as set out in paragraph 3.13


2.5 In order to ensure better decision and transparency about the delegated management of these funds - the committee receives a briefing that sets out consolidated details of funds available from:

  • the Household Support Fund;
  • COMF;
  • any unfunded costs referred to in this report and the report on Food (Item 18);
  • proposed spend in this and future financial years, and
  • the allocations criteria.

Proposed by: Cllr Allcock                                      Seconded by: Cllr Appich


Recommendations to read if carried:

2.1 That the committee approves the allocation of £2.14m funding as follows:

£ 675,000 Free School Meals October H/T, Winter Holiday, February H/T - £20 vouchers

£ 360,000Free School Meals Easter - £20 vouchers

£  40,00Children’s Centre - £20 vouchers

£  50,000  Schools

£  60,000  Holiday Activities and Food (HAF)

£  10,000  HAF admin and staffing

£  50,000  Community Centres

£ 125,000  Other organisations supporting groups with protected characteristics or vulnerability

£  70,000  Community Hub

£  90,000  Winter Grant Fund

£  90,000  Warmth for Wellbeing

£  70,000  Brighton & Hove Food Partnership

£ 150,000  Council Tax Discretionary Payments etc

£  15,000  Emergency Placement Service Charge

£ 274,000  Local Discretionary Social Fund (LDSF)

£  11,000  Admin support for LDSF


2.2 That, for the reasons outlined at para 3.23, the committee delegates necessary adjustments to the approved allocations to the Chief Finance Officer following consultation with the Chair of Policy & Resources Committee and Opposition Spokespersons, provided any adjustment is complaint with the council’s rules for virement as defined under Financial Regulations.


2.3 That the committee notes the Urgency Decision taken under officer delegations by the Chief Finance Officer and approved by the Chair of Policy & Resources Committee on 22 October 20221 regarding the allocation of funding from the Household Support Fund to provide vouchers for free school meals over the October Half-Term holiday period (see Appendix 4).


2.4 That the committee approves the proposed re-allocation of duplicate Contain Outbreak Management Funding (COMF) of £0.190m to homeless prevention by re-allocating funding to top up the Discretionary Housing Payments budget as set out in paragraph 3.13


2.5 In order to ensure better decision and transparency about the delegated management of these funds - the committee receives a briefing that sets out consolidated details of funds available from:

  • the Household Support Fund;
  • COMF;
  • any unfunded costs referred to in this report and the report on Food (Item 18);
  • proposed spend in this and future financial years, and the allocations criteria.